I just want to thank everyone who stopped by my booth at SpiritFest this past weekend at Mystickal Voyage. I met several people who are interested in counseling services. I also met people who just wanted to chat and who wanted to do some really fast coaching on a specific problem.
I was struck by how most of those I met were already half-way towards healing. Outside of spiritual communities this is not usually the case. There is something to be said for participating in an empowering spirituality of your own choice where there are tools under your control to help yourself and a community that believes in you. I felt lucky to be potentially seeing clients with such internal and external resources.
I was also struck by the potential of cooperation amongst healers. How one healing modality flows into the next. I was frequently a useful part of a bigger matrix of work going on. We need to figure out how to get client to see (and how they pay for) teams of healers with complementary skills.
— Michael